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Notepad++ is a free and powerful text editor. It supports syntax highlighting for a lot of languages (C, HTML, Lisp, XML, ...).

Since Drafting macro language is not declared in Notepad++, here is a suggestion to implement it.

Download the file DraftingMacro.xml.

Open Notepad++. In the menu-bar, clic on Languages > User Defined Language > Define your language ...

In the dialog box, clic on Import and select the file DraftingMacro.xml.

Exit all instances of Notepad++ and reload.

Here is how it looks like:

When the EOL (End Of Line) is Windows (CR LF), the folding is correct, see example here above.

When the EOL (End Of Line) is Unix (LF) or Macintosh (CR), the folding is uncorrect see example here below: